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Kosova Cinematography Center

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Kosova Cinematography Center.

Kosova Cinematography Center is public film fund and central authority for cinematography. Its objective is achieving goals on public interest on cinematography issues. Kosova Cinematography Center has its management structure: Managing Board and Director.

Albania selects 'Chromium' (nella foto) for Foreign Language Category
Another film supported by Kosovo Cinematography Center Chromium by Bujar Alimani will represent Albania in the Oscars race.

The film tells the story of a mute and lonely mother that lives a life that is far from easy, she nevertheless bares her lot with dignity and courage. Her 15-year-old son is trying to stand on his own two feet, but in so doing he only complicates the grim situation in the family.

'Chromium' is a co-production between Albania Kosovo Germany and Greece and was premiered at Karlovy Vary Film Festival.

Short film 'Home' by More Raça will have its World Premiere in Raindance Film Festival this September.'Home' written and directed by More Raça and produced by Sunaj Raça will have its world premiere this September.

The film is based on true events and tells the story of heritage conflict issues between brother and sister, between traditional and legal rights.
When Hava’s brothers divide their paternal property, tradition dictated that the right to inheritance belongs to male descendants only. With limited financial resources and the mounting pressure from her brother’s attempts to marry her off, Hava becomes increasingly isolated, and in turn defiant.

'Home' is supported by Kosovo Cinematography Center.
Echo wins ‘Silver Zenith for the First Fiction Feature Film’ @ Montreal World Film Festival 2016.

A story about loss, loneliness, and an unspoken bond that connects two aging parents far away from each other through a fatal accident.
Echo a coproduction between Kosovo and Germany is Dren Zherka’s debut film that won ‘Silver Zenith for the First Fiction Feature Film’ at Montreal World Film Festival.
The film had its World Premiere at MWFF 2016 and it is supported by Kosovo Cinematography Center.
Kosovo sends 'Home Sweet Home' in the Oscars Race going to represent Kosovo as the official contender for the best foreign-language film award.

Faton Bajraktari’s debut film 'Home Sweet Home' written by Zymber Kelmendi had its international premiere this year on Karlovy Vary, starring Donat Qosja, Arta Muçaj, Shkumbin Istrefi.
'Home Sweet Home' is a coproduction between Kosovo and Macedonia, supported by Kosovo Cinematography Center and Macedonian Film Agency, and produced by Trim Musliu and Senad Abduli.

This is the third year that Kosovo is submitting a contender for the best foreign-language film award. Last year’s contender was Babai by Visar Morina whilst the first year entry was Three Windows and a Hanging by Isa Qosja. Moreover in the year of 2016, the Kosovan short film Shok was nominated in the 88th Academy Award for Best Live Action Short Film marking the first time in history that Kosovo enters the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Science.

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